My PrEP Experience
The following stories are from a group of Albertans who are using PrEP. Quotes are edited for length and clarity. All quotes are anonymous and do not belong to the models pictured.
Why did you decide to start taking PrEP?
“Despite my best efforts, I found that I wasn’t always using condoms when having sex. It was important for me to find an HIV prevention option that worked better my circumstances. After doing a little research into PrEP, it was a pretty quick and easy decision. “
“As a queer person of colour who’s still in the closet - a minority within a minority - I realized that being discrete and safe were top priorities for me. But I also wanted to have an enjoyable, healthy sex life.”
I always found myself getting anxious about HIV when having sex. It was beginning to have a negative impact on my mental health. So, I spoke with a counsellor from a community-based organization to find a solution. They told me about PrEP. I finally felt like I’d found an option that would both prevent HIV and help ease my anxiety.”
“A nurse practitioner at my injectable opiate treatment program was becoming a designated prescriber and spoke with me about it. Initially, I didn’t think PrEP was something I was interested in. But after thinking about it more, I decided it was worth a try. I’d already tested positive for Hepatitis C, so it was important to try and keep myself healthy by preventing HIV. After starting PrEP, I realized it really fit my lifestyle and has allowed me to take my health into my own hands.”
How did you find the process for accessing PrEP?
“Initially when I tried to access PrEP it was pretty challenging. My private insurance plan didn’t cover the cost and it was quite expensive. Some of the healthcare providers I spoke to about it didn’t know much about PrEP and were kind of judgmental.
But after PrEP was publicly funded here in Alberta, I decided to try again. I found a doctor who prescribed PrEP. He and his staff were really knowledgeable about PrEP. They made the process feel really routine and nonjudgmental.”
“I found accessing a PrEP prescriber quite challenging. I know there’s a list of doctors and nurse practitioners who prescribe PrEP, but not everyone on the list is accepting new patients. So, it took me a while to find someone who would meet with me. But after I found a prescriber, the process was pretty simple and pain free.”
Have you experienced any stigma for being on PrEP?
“I keep a pretty low profile and don’t discuss private issues with other community members. But I do speak about PrEP with my sexual partners. For the most part, people respond very positively. I have had a couple of experiences where someone didn’t know what PrEP was and felt that it meant I was being overly promiscuous. But it didn’t bother me. I know that I’m taking important steps to keep me and my partners healthy. I don’t think that’s something to feel ashamed or embarrassed about.”
“There are some misconceptions that people who are on PrEP don’t care about other STIs. But I don’t think that’s true. Because I’m on PrEP, I get tested for STIs at least once every three months - more than I ever did before. So, being on PrEP makes it more likely that if I do have something, that I know about it and can access treatment so I don’t pass something on to my partners. For me, PrEP is an important harm reduction decision, a lot like y decision to start using safe consumption sites. While some people might judge, I know that I’m making healthy decisions that make sense for me. I feel proud about taking PrEP.”
“I’ve had some people think that I was HIV positive because I was taking PrEP. I’ve actually used these situations as an opportunity to educate people about PrEP. A couple of people have even started using PrEP themselves.
It’s also allowed me to educate people about HIV and the fact that when someone living with HIV has an undetectable viral load, they can’t pass HIV on sexually to their partners.”
How has PrEP impacted your life?
“Sex should be fun. It should be pleasurable; enjoyable. Before starting PrEP, whenever I had sex, I always felt anxious. But now, I can finally get out of my head and have the sex I want, when I want, and enjoy it!”
“HIV has impacted a lot of different communities, for decades. PrEP is an important tool in the fight to end HIV. By taking PrEP, I feel like I’m doing my part. It makes me feel like I’m making a difference for my community.”
“There are so many things in life that you can’t control. But by taking PrEP, I can control my HIV status. By taking my health into my own hands, I feel more empowered and more confident that I can stay healthy for me, my partner, and my children.”
What do you wish people knew about PrEP?
“I think it’s important that people know that you can now access PrEP free-of-charge if you meet the eligibility criteria. Not only is PrEP incredibly effective but it’s also very accessible for most who would benefit from it.”
“While PrEP is a great prevention tool for a lot of people, it’s not for everyone. Yes, PrEP is the right HIV prevention option for me, but it might not be for you. Do your own research and speak with your doctor before deciding to start PrEP. You might find that there are options that will be a better fit for you. Also, it’s important to remember that PrEP doesn’t prevent other STIs. Even if you’re using PrEP, you should make sure you have a plan to prevent STIs in order to keep you and your partners healthy.”
“Accessing PrEP isn’t as hard as you think. Sure, it can take time to find a PrEP prescriber near you who’s taking patients. But once you do, the process if pretty straight forward. Plus, regardless of the challenges, the benefits of taking PrEP far outweigh the challenges.”
Learn About PrEP Now
Do you see yourself reflected in any of the stories shared above? Click the button to learn more about PrEP and whether it’s the right HIV prevention option for you.