PrEP Alberta Online Training Session
One barrier many community members have faced in accessing PrEP has been a lack of access to healthcare and service providers who are knowledgeable about PrEP and how to access it in Alberta. Conversely, many healthcare and service providers have noted that it can be hard to find comprehensive information about the Alberta PrEP access process. To help meet address these gaps, we’ve developed an online training session that provides a comprehensive overview of what PrEP is and each step in the Alberta PrEP access process. The training can be accessed by clicking on the video below. Once you’ve completed the session, we kindly ask you to complete the evaluation survey at this link.
Note: If you’d like to request a live training session for your staff or organization, contact us at connect@ourhealthyeg.ca.
To help us assess the effectiveness of this training and to report on its impact to our funders, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes to complete the following evaluation survey.