Provider Portal

While our PrEP Access Information section is a useful resource for both community members and healthcare/service providers, we recognize that providers play a unique role in the PrEP access process Below you will find a number of useful resources and activities relevant to healthcare providers, service providers, and others who might provide support to people seeking PrEP in Alberta.


Free PrEP Alberta Online Training

Looking for comprehensive, up-to-date information about PrEP Access in Alberta? Our free PrEP Alberta Online Training module is just what you need. From covering the basics to walking step-by-step through the Alberta PrEP access process, our online training module provides all of the information you need to better support your patients or clients in seeking PrEP.


Become a PrEP Prescriber

Are you a physician or nurse practitioner interested in becoming a Designated PrEP prescriber, making it easier for your patients to access publicly funded PrEP at no-cost? All it takes is the completion of an online module and an application form. Get the process started here.


Access Free PrEP Resources

Want to increase PrEP awareness amongst the communities you serve? We’ve developed a variety of online and print resources to help increase PrEP awareness.


Promote Your Services

Have your organization listed on our community services page so that PrEP seekers in your area can access your programs and services.


Alberta PrEP Access: Barriers & Opportunities

Different populations affected by HIV in Alberta experience different PrEP access barriers and opportunities. We spoke with community members and stakeholders from across Alberta to better understand the PrEP access experiences of indigenous communities, people belonging to African, Caribbean, and Black communities, trans and non-binary communities, and more.


Additional Information

While our PrEP Access Information section is pretty comprehensive, we didn’t have space to cover everything. This section provides additional tips and considerations for providers supporting certain communities in seeking PrEP, such as people who use drugs.